Big Changes.... and an Alfa Romeo

So what does an image of an Alfa Romeo have to do with me and this overdue update to my site?

Those that have been following this blog since the start know that this site was conceived with the idea to teach my students about social media, but it grew and became much more than that.

Over the course of six and a half years, it has been my place to share my experiences, my advice, instructions, opinions and reviews. I loved being a teacher and the time that I spent at the college both as the head administrator and instructor was both enlightening and refreshing.

Teaching reminds us why we do the things we do. For me at least, it recharges me and also presents to me, that I've always been happier creating vs teaching. So about 12 weeks ago, an opportunity came to me that I just couldn't refuse. I accepted a job marketing high end import cars for an amazing company that is rapidly growing and making waves. Not only do they sell cars, but are very active in marketing the lifestyle that goes with it. It's not just a typical car dealership.

To top things off, they are building a world class Tilke-designed race track, a hotel resort, and I'm actively marketing that for them. It's what I do well, telling the story to the public. Whether it is through photography, design or words. I'm at a new home, with a new metaphorical ride.

It's has been a while since I've updated the blog, and I'm not sure what the direction will be in the coming months for it. Obviously the new job will take me away from much of the free time I had to spend on things like this, but I'm also working on settling into my new job and role.

I appreciate the monthly tens of thousands of readers that come to this site on a regular basis and get the information they are looking for. I make no promises of being more frequent, but I do want to revive my efforts in here, bring some new insights to you the readers, and share some of the exciting work that I'm doing.

Thank you for visiting and supporting my site over the years.

Terrance Lam


  1. Well, whatever you do, keep me informed! Sounds like a dream opportunity.

    1. Thanks Dennis... maybe we'll have to take you on a spin on the track and you can get a membership ;)


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